Singer does interview with Australian reporter, backtracks on earlier comments

Mar 19, 2014 21:26 GMT  ·  By

Whether Katy Perry is a feminist or not is highly arguable and, at the same time, incredibly difficult to establish because no one can know her most intimate thoughts. As it turns out, she remains pretty confused about what the word means.

As a side note, her music definitely isn’t feminist, in case you’re wondering. If you listen to “Last Friday Night” carefully, you might actually be shocked to hear her singing about getting date raped and that’s just one instance to prove a point.

In 2012, when she was named Billboard’s Woman of the Year, Katy (ironically) said there was no way she would describe herself as a feminist. However, she added, she did “believe in the strength of women.”

For even more context, suffice it to say that being a feminist is, down to its simplest definition, being a believer in the equality of women and women’s rights. It has nothing to do with hairy armpits, it has nothing to do with hating men or wanting to take their place, and it’s definitely nothing to be ashamed of, even though Katy seemed to be just that back in 2012.

Katy is now saying that she’s finally learned the true meaning of the word.

“A feminist? Uh, yeah, actually. I used to not really understand what that word meant, and now that I do, it just means that I love myself as a female and I also love men. I am a strong woman, and hear me roar!” she tells the reporter.

Whereas many online reacted to this recent comment with a scathing “she’s lucky she’s pretty,” I will say only this: at least Katy loves herself as a female, that’s always a good place to start.