Jul 22, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By
Katie Price says she went on a diet because she was sick of being called fat in the press
   Katie Price says she went on a diet because she was sick of being called fat in the press

Being a glamour girl means that she’s hardly ever out of shape. Yet Katie Price says she got so tired of people speculating on whether she’d gotten fat or was pregnant that she decided to lose some weight by going on a strict diet.

A few days ago, Price found herself at the center of a new controversy after she posted a photo of her torso on Twitter.

Though it was clear that she was sucking it in, many lashed out saying she was unhealthily thin and should consider ditching the diet in favor of another one that would actually put some meat on her bones.

During a recent interview cited by the Daily Mail, Katie said that it was precisely this kind of negative criticism that got her on the diet in the first place.

“I’m sick to death of magazines keep saying I’m fat, I’m pregnant, and it’s enough to give me a complex let alone other girls out there,” the star says of her decision to embark on the carbs-free diet.

As for the Twitter pic that caused all this controversy about Price’s weight, she points out that people should note first that she’s with her arms up in the air.

“Well, I don’t have a complex but I put that on there to say ‘does it look like I’ve got a bump? do I look like I’m pregnant?’” she says of the reason she took and made public the photo in question.

Right now, she’s on a diet that sees her start off the day with a freshly-made smoothie, and includes two low-calorie, no-carbs meals.

She’s already lost a lot of weight on it.

“I juice in the morning and I’ve been putting some recipes on there, and I obviously have two meals but no carbs, and I’ve actually noticed a difference because with me as soon as I eat my belly sticks out,” she says.