Nov 18, 2010 20:31 GMT  ·  By

Fashion bible Vogue magazine has unveiled its list of the most influential women of the decade in terms of fashion. At the top is supermodel Kate Moss who, according to the publication, has never ceased to look chic and set trends.

For the top 11, Vogue looked at female public figures that do a bit more than just follow the rules set by others – daredevils, in a sense, women who challenge norms to set their own.

Not to make anyone feel slighted in any way for putting Moss high up on the pedestal, Vogue gives the other stars in the top 11 their very own distinction, by recognizing in them that which makes them stand out from the crowd.

“At every moment Kate Moss has looked chic and cool. We chose people who were thinking out of the box, women who look as if they’re wearing what they really wanted to wear,” Vogue style director Alexandra Kotur says.

“The whole Vogue editorial team and fashion staff brainstormed to come up with the list,” Kotur adds. This is how come names like Lady Gaga and First Lady Michelle Obama have come to be featured together.

“Our parameters were to highlight from the year, and the overarching theme that we observed was to recognize an emphasis on the individual,” Kotur explains.

“No one has had more influence for the past decade on the way women have dressed than Kate Moss,” the style editor adds.

As noted above, Lady Gaga too got recognition for her outlandish fashion sense, being named The Visionary, while Mrs. Obama is The Independent. Actress Carey Mulligan was named The Free Spirit.

British TV presenter and model Alexa Chung also made the list with her Street Cool style, while Sarah Jessica Parker was named The Haute Bohemian for her style, a combination of boho and urban chic.

“She’s the one who loves to dress up and you know that wherever she goes, she’s going to be dressed up to the nines. She loves to really wear it all. She really celebrates fashion; she clearly loves it. She’s not afraid to get dressed up,” Kotur says of SJP.

“Whether she’s walking her child to school or walking the red carpet, she genuinely loves fashion and celebrates it,” the Vogue style editor adds.