Actress opens up about the weirdest birthday party she ever threw for a friend

Jul 27, 2012 18:21 GMT  ·  By

It's already been established that Kate Beckinsale has a wicked sense of humor, one that, as per her own words, occasionally leads her into trouble. Check out the video above to find out how that can happen.

The stunning actress (seriously, she can't possibly be any prettier) was on Conan O'Brien the other night to promote her role in the “Total Recall” remake in which she stars opposite Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel.

Among other things, she also talks about how she once hired a male exotic dancer for a friend's 14th birthday and how it turned out to be the most awkward moment of her teen years.

The incident could have turned a lot worse, but at least Kate is totally charming when she recalls it.
