Kanye West the genius complains it’s always him against the world

Jan 20, 2014 18:11 GMT  ·  By

Some time ago, Kanye West said he’d list his occupation on airport forms as “genius” if only he knew how to spell that. In his brand new interview with Interview mag, the rapper aims to explain just what makes him stand apart from his fellow performers, while also proving that he’s just as awesome as he says he is.

It’s no longer a secret that Kanye has an ego the size of a ten-story building, so perhaps saying those things shouldn’t surprise you all that much. However, perhaps you had no idea that the Yeezus rapper also considers himself one of the greatest victims ever.

First off, he speaks about the 2009 MTV Music Awards incident which saw him rush on stage to take the award for Best Video from Taylor Swift, just to proclaim that Beyonce deserved to win, and makes it sound as if it was the world’s fault that he acted like such a jerk.

He continues to argue that people simply don’t “get” him.

“I'm a trained fine artist. I went to art school from the time I was five years old. I was, like, a prodigy out of Chicago. I just make sonic paintings, and these sonic paintings have led me to become whatever people think of when you say ‘Kanye West’,” he says of his art.

And, while there are millions out there who would agree with that statement (even those who find Kanye insufferable recognize his accomplishments in music), he believes everyone wants him to fail.

“People are strategically trying to do things to mute my voice in some way or make me look like I’m a lunatic or pinpoint the inaccuracies in my grammar to somehow take away from the overall message of what I’m saying,” he explains for the publication.

An example would be the way people reacted to his video for “Bound 2,” which featured fiancé and baby mama Kim Kardashian, in what turned out to be one of the most derided and spoof-prone music releases of the second half of 2013, Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” not included.

“I think people are afraid of dreams, and that video is one of the closest things to the way that dreams look and feel, or the way joy looks and feels, with the colors,” he says.

Haters will hate, but Kanye will continue to win no matter what, he explains, wrapping up his interview with yet another Kanyeism. “Only one of two things can happen: either I’m gonna be right or I’m gonna be wrong. But if you look at the past 10 years, I’ve been right,” he says of his success.