A multitude of fixes

Dec 19, 2008 09:37 GMT  ·  By

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, released earlier in the year, has received a new patch, dubbed version 1.2, set to fix many of the issues players have reported, tweaking various game mechanics to provide a more balanced challenge, while using any of the three sides of the game: the GDI, the Nod or the Scrin. You can download the patch from Softpedia.

A bug causing players to select more than one control group while they switched very quickly between them has been fixed. This means multilpayer could become even more fast paced as players do not need to slow down their movements deliberately.

Various problems related to Decoy units, which had the same abilities and powers as normal units, have also been fixed and an exploit allowing units to move alongside the edge of the map, undetected on the Tournament Tower map, has also been fixed.

Level 2 Veteran units now have their damage increased by 25% and their health by 40%, while they only got +20% and +30% respectively before the patch. This means that players will be more interested in keeping veteran units alive in battle. The cost for Harvesters has also been reduced to 1,600, while the build time went down to 16 seconds, in an effort to reduce the effect of taking out Harvesters in the initial parts of a skirmish.

Most GDI superpower costs have been tweaked, along with upgrades and build times, as have been Nod superpowers. Build times and weapons damage have also been modified for all factions. For the Scrin, the biggest chance is the fact that mind control abilities will no longer work on Epic units and on Commandos. Electronic Arts claims that the game will be better balanced and will provide a more interesting challenge for players.