Pac reportedly began losing his hair about two weeks ago, eventually passed away

Mar 14, 2013 08:09 GMT  ·  By

Back in December 2012, a groups of hamster rights activists accused Justin Bieber of having sentenced his tiny pet rodent to death by giving him to one of his fans. At that time, almost nobody believed their claims that his trading owners would ultimately kill Pac.

Still, recent news on the topic says that Justin Bieber's hamster is now dead, all because of some mysterious illness whose symptoms included the hamster's losing his hair and feeling a bit under the weather.

The girl who got the hamster from Justin Bieber says that, despite her rushing Pac to the vet, the latter failed to figure out what was wrong with the hamster and cure it.

According to TMZ, the hamster was laid to rest in the girl's backyard, fairly close to a tree.

If I were to guess, I'd say that Pac lost his will to live the moment he came to realize that Justin Bieber had given him away.