The crooner posts photo of himself looking like the 1950s actor

Mar 24, 2014 10:03 GMT  ·  By
The resemblance between James Dean and Justin Bieber is uncanny, but in appearance only
   The resemblance between James Dean and Justin Bieber is uncanny, but in appearance only

There will be a lot of people out there who will undoubtedly be very offended by this comparison, but there will also be others that will be asking themselves who James Dean is. Regardless is people know the reference or not, the fact that Justin Bieber decided to compare himself with one of the greatest American screen idols remains a fact.

The Canadian singer posted a photograph both on Instagram and Twitter, for a maximum impact, in which he mimics the pose and look of famous Hollywood actor James Dean, a man that went on to become the symbol for rebelliousness.

The message that Bieber is trying to send is obvious: he thinks himself similar to the actor of “Rebel Without a Cause,” a trend-setter and a figure that will remain etched in people's minds long after his death.

Of course, considering the fact that Dean died prematurely in a car crash in 1955, maybe Justin is also thinking that his reckless lifestyle might lead him to an early grave.

The singer appears in a black and white photo, while wearing a simple white T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a cigarette hanging recklessly on his lower lip, while he gazes thoughtful in the distance, off-camera.

And just to make sure that all of his fans, including the younger ones, have gotten the reference, Bieber also posted a photo with the original, James Dean, smiling at the camera and casually smoking a cigarette.

It looks like Bieber has become enamored with this pose, with his eyebrows arched high and his forehead wrinkled, as if from deep thought, to the point that it’s become his male version of the girls’ ever present and irritating duck lips and flashing of the peace sign.

This isn't the first time that Justin has used black and white photography and similar poses in order to compare himself with pop culture figures. Upon being released from jail in February in Miami, Justin got on top of his car and waved to his fans. Later, he posted a photo of the event and added one with Michael Jackson in a similar pose.

Needless to say, that photo too sparked outrage among fans of the singer as well as fans of the King of Pop, who saw the comparison as a slap in the face of the once great artist. There is a distinct feeling that his James Dean impersonation will have a similar effect.