The action-adventure video game is coming out in 2015

Dec 12, 2014 09:26 GMT  ·  By

Developer Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix have revealed a new batch of screenshots from the upcoming action-adventure video game Just Cause 3, to the delight of the crowds.

The third installment in the wacky series was rumored to be in production for quite a while, and at the beginning of November, some development build screenshots made it to the Internet, confirming that the game was indeed in the workshop.

The images contained something that looked like an in-game store page, featuring some microtransactions, which led many people to speculate that Just Cause 3 might be offered as a multiplayer-focused free-to-play title supported by in-game purchases.

A week after the leak, Avalanche Studios made the official announcement, removing the last shred of doubt from the minds of even the most skeptical gamers out there. The announcement was also pretty clear on the fact that the title would not feature any kind of microtransactions, and that it would honor the series' reputation and fans' expectations of it.

The third installment in the franchise is set to revise some of the traditional mechanics that made the series so popular and to expand upon them.

A brand new setting to explore

Just Cause 3 will be set in a brand new location, taking Rico to a beautiful Mediterranean archipelago. Players will be able to make use of his parachute and grapple, as well as a wingsuit, a novel idea that will come alongside some other game-changing features.

The game's rich array of interaction has been considered one of the hallmarks of the open-world action-adventure genre, and Just Cause 3 aims to improve the experience by being a true representative of the next generation of chaotic sandbox fun.

Square Enix has released a batch of 20 new screenshots from the upcoming video game, showing some crazy explosions and a bunch of stunts, as well as highlighting the visual fidelity level of the title.

The grappling hook and parachute antics of its predecessor, that made the game so unique, are going to make a comeback, and the vibrant vistas that you'll be able to explore and blow up look more exciting than ever.

Avalanche Studios is currently also working on a Mad Max video game, set for release sometime in 2015, alongside the feature film reboot of the series, "Mad Max: Fury Road," at the hands of original director George Miller.

Just Cause 3 is scheduled to come out in 2015, headed to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC platforms. For the time being, there is no confirmed time frame for the release.

Just Cause 3 screenshots (20 Images)

Just Cause 3 is bonkers
Tanks? You betcha!Armed to the teeth