Four jury members sign a statement stressing that they were not represented by juror B37

Jul 17, 2013 06:45 GMT  ·  By

Jurors B51, B76, E6 and E40 in the George Zimmerman trial have noted that they have not been represented by Juror B37 in her interview with Anderson Cooper.

“The opinions of Juror B37, expressed on the Anderson Cooper show were her own, and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below. [...] Serving on this jury has been a highly emotional and physically draining experience for each of us,” their statement reads.

Fox News added that the statement was put together on court paper. The jurors mention not wanting the press to interfere in their lives, which is probably why they are not in approval of Juror B37 going to CNN.

As I mentioned, the Zimmerman jury was formed entirely of women, the majority of which were Caucasian. One of them could have been Hispanic, according to reporters' descriptions.