Commander In Chief allows you to select one of the 229 countries and turn them into world leaders

Apr 10, 2008 17:06 GMT  ·  By

This is what I like about video games: they offer you the chance to do things you'll never be able to do in real life (unless you're one of the few lucky people in the world). Sometimes, these things can occur even sooner than the actual ones: take Commander In Chief, the latest game from Interactive Games Software (IGS), as an example; it allows you to become President and won't even have to wait until November!

Of course, this happens in a virtual world, but this is not necessarily a drawback, since things in parallel universes are generally more interesting. The game promises to be a true, realistic and, at the same time, an entertaining simulation of running a country's government and taking important decisions regarding the economic, military, political, social, cultural and foreign affairs.

Commander In Chief's complexity might prove to be a bit too much for some, but without that, it would be just "another sim game". Instead, it brings all the countries in the world with unique data of over 400 key values (geographic, climatic, demographic, budgetary, environmental etc.) and players can choose to lead any of them. Then, a cabinet will be selected to oversee individual government services. In addition to specific decisions (changing tax rates, firing a minister, etc.), the player can also negotiate with labor groups, sign business or military contracts with partner countries and participate in decision-making at international organizations. Everything as single player and "Wargame" multiplayer.

"At IGS, we are always looking for titles that offer a completely different and unique experience other than your traditional game and Commander In Chief is a perfect example," said Paul Lombardi, CEO of IGS. "With this being one of the most important election years in history, we are offering the chance to step into the President's shoes and take on those difficult and influential decisions."

The game, known as Mission President on the French market, will be released in the US in June 2008 and has a recommended retail price of $39.99.