“What are you doing? Why?” actor says, ripping into Canadian pop star

Apr 23, 2014 08:05 GMT  ·  By

Always count on Jon Hamm calling ‘em like he sees ‘em. The “Mad Men” star, who just happens to be promoting the current season of the AMC series in an interview with the latest edition of Men’s Fitness, is no stranger to controversial remarks about fellow celebrities but, still, few probably imagined he’d go after Justin Bieber.

The Canadian pop star has been going through a rougher patch in the past few months, after his DUI and drag racing arrest, and a flurry of rumors about his wild partying getting out of control.

Not few were those asking out loud where his parents are and why they’re not stepping in to curb whatever destructive tendencies he might have because, say what you will about the kid, but he’s got potential to be even bigger than he already is. One very wrong move can throw all that down the drain.

Hamm seems to be of the same opinion. He blames Bieber’s entourage and the fact that he wasn’t taught early on of the value of things for whatever trouble he’s in right now – or will get into in the immediate future.

“Look at Bieber or whoever. You’re like, ‘What the [hell], man? What are you doing? Why?’ There’s no one telling those people no, and it’s a shame. [He should have] a mom or a dad or a really good friend who can say, ‘Hey, [expletive]head!’,” Hamm tells the mag.

“You see people in the world and you’re like, ‘Do you know how a washing machine works? Do you know how to wash a dish? Life skills are something we’re missing… just [stuff] you needed to learn in life. There used to be a class that kids had to take in high school called home economics, which was cooking and sewing and just [stuff] you needed to learn in life,” he continues.

Most likely, Bieber doesn’t know how to work a washing machine, as neither does he know that mop buckets are for cleaning and not for him to relieve himself in because he’s too lazy to use the restroom any decent restaurant makes available for customers.

Just as likely is the fact that many others out there share Hamm’s belief that Justin needs his parents now more than ever: and he needs them to act like parents and not like his best friend (this goes for his father) or his business associate (his mother).

If at least half of the reports of his bad behavior (including heavy drug use, alcohol consumption, orgies, and rude behavior) are true, Justin Bieber is in serious trouble. And he might be grown up and all that, but he’s still in need of some counseling.