Attorney says “mean” break-in cut Jon to the heart

Dec 28, 2009 08:13 GMT  ·  By
Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman, back in the days when they were still an item
   Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman, back in the days when they were still an item

Jon Gosselin spent Christmas with his children and, after a peaceful holiday, returned home to his New York City apartment to find it vandalized, with several valuables missing and many others destroyed, his attorney confirms for JustJared. A note was found at the scene, bearing the signature of Jon’s former girlfriend, Hailey Glassman, for which reason she’s already been questioned by police.

Reports in the media say that Mr. Gosselin’s place was a complete mess: dishes and pots were broken, knives and other cutlery were missing, clothes were shredded to pieces and valuables were missing. However, it’s not the break-in in itself that devastated Jon but rather the obvious fact that it was all done on purpose to “teach him a lesson,” as it were, his lawyer says in a press statement. It was a “mean” and calculated gesture that cut Jon to the heart, the representative stresses.

“Jon Gosselin called me this afternoon, on the occasion when he entered his apartment in Manhattan and was horrified, disheartened, and saddened to observe the devastation of his furniture, clothing and personal belongings, which were apparently slashed with a butcher knife by a very troubled and sick perpetrator. Jon immediately contacted me and facilitated the able assistance of the New York City Police Department who immediately dispatched an experienced Detective to Jon’s apartment, where a forensic team commenced an intense investigation including photographing and fingerprinting of evidence at the crime scene,” Mark Heller explains in the statement.

“Jon’s television, CD player, coffee maker, a Nintendo Wii game, dishes, pots and pans were burglarized from his apartment, and Jon’s shoes, shirts, luggage, bed, curtain, rugs and other furnishings in the apartment were slashed, most likely by the same butcher knife that affixed the note to his dresser. […] However, the greatest damage from this vicious, mean spirited and heartless crime was perpetrated not on Jon’s property and possessions, but on Jon Gosselin himself, who experienced a traumatic, emotional, roller coast ride having just shared a joyful family gathering with his children during their Christmas Celebration and the last thing that Jon contemplated when entering his New York City apartment, on what is supposed to be a Season that heralds in peace and goodwill, was to be devastated by such a cruel and cold-blooded act that was apparently intended to cut to his heart,” Heller concludes by saying.

As noted above, a note was also found at the scene, stuck with a knife to a dresser. In it, Jon was called a “cheater” and it bore the signature of Hailey Glassman, his ex, who, incidentally, had been inside the apartment just days before the break-in to collect her belongings. TMZ says police have already questioned her in the case, but that’s not to say she’s actually guilty of any crime because the signature might as well be a fake.