The new Harry Potter could be you!

Aug 21, 2008 21:06 GMT  ·  By

Konami is preparing to bring us a huge, brand new world of magic on the Nintendo DS sometime in the first fiscal quarter of 2009. The game is entitled Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry and it will be a definite hit for the fans of the handheld, as well as for those who always dreamed of becoming a wizard.

As you probably imagine, this new game from Konami will be set in a magic school where you will have to master a series of spells and magical incantations in order to achieve a Magician License and become one of the few Master Wizards. Along the way you will meet and interact with no less than 100 pupils who will teach you or help you implement key spells. However, you won't be spending all your time walking and learning because that would get very, very boring - you will also have to solve a series of puzzles given to you by mysterious creatures that appear on a weekly basis in the game world. By solving these puzzles, you will earn vital items for your quest.

Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry promises to be a really versatile title: you'll be able to go shopping or take up hobbies, make friends with your colleagues at school or even join a band and play music! But do you want to know the best part? Of course you do: the game allows you to go to dates, so you're going to be really, really busy! Especially because the school is also filled with gossip related to mysterious events, romance and so on.

One of the most interesting and unique features of the game is, however, the option you have to send your character to "study abroad", which actually means that your little wizard wannabe will be imported to a friend's game world for tutoring and, once he comes back, he will even discuss with you his adventures there! And this is something simply amazing!

But everybody who wants to become the new Harry Potter has to wait until next year before they get their hands on Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry.