Comedienne causes a stir once more, this time picking on a defenseless child

Jan 21, 2014 08:01 GMT  ·  By

Joan Rivers often gets into a lot of trouble online for saying whatever comes to her mind, but she’ll probably have hell to pay now that she made a joke about a defenseless child, calling her “ugly.” That child is Kim Kardashian’s daughter with Kanye West, North West, aka Nori.

Radar Online reports that the offensive joke was included in her show at the Saban Theater in Los Angeles on January 17, when she recalled a visit reality star Kim Kardashian paid to her offices at E! some time before.

“That baby is ugly… I’ve never seen a six-month-old so desperately in need of a waxing,” Rivers says, “much to the amusement of the audience who roared at the subsequent joke,” Radar reports.

The audience was amused but commenters online are far from it. Angry voices are now saying on dedicated forums, including social media, that, whatever the relationship between Rivers and the Kardashians, Kim in particular, she should have never called a child “ugly” no matter what.

However, what those who find the joke offensive ignore is the fact that Rivers is probably having a blast with a rumor that emerged online just recently, after Kim posted a new photo of Nori to her Twitter.

Reports said at the time that she had waxed her daughter’s unibrow because, in previous pics, Nori was definitely sporting one – and she no longer had it in the most recent photo.

Kim addressed the controversy right away, saying she would never do that to her child, no matter her own aversion to bodily hair. For the record, Kim is very proud of having lasered off all “unnecessary” hair from her entire body.

Still, Kim joked, “Do people really think I would wax my daughters eyebrows so young? Come on, I’d wait until she’s at least 2 1/2!”

In other words, probably Rivers is playing along with the joke Nori’s own mother started.