The aging actress is struggling to keep up with her younger man

Mar 27, 2014 12:58 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Aniston is allegely spending a tiny fortune each month to keep herself looking young
   Jennifer Aniston is allegely spending a tiny fortune each month to keep herself looking young

The word on the street is that Jennifer Aniston has to put in a lot more work these days to keep up with her appearance in order to maintain Justin Theroux interested in her. At least that's what In Touch is saying.

The beauty regimen that Aniston is following at the moment, is costing her upwards of $8,000 (€5,795) per month, which is a pretty penny, anyway you cut it. All of that money is going on beauty treatments that keep her looking young and fresh and, ultimately, suitable for the younger Justin.

According to the tabloid “Money is no object for Jennifer Aniston when it comes to looking good for her man.” The exact techniques and products she is using are also likely to go up in value “as anxiety about getting older — and holding on to [Theroux] — creeps in.”

You're very curious to find out what exactly is costing the actress so much money so let's get straight to the point. The same tabloid reveals how Aniston follows a “super-pricey and time-consuming” program that includes IV hydration, because we all know drinking water keeps you healthy and younger for longer.

However, at over one hundred dollars per session, it's not the cheapest practice in the world. Add to that some skin-rejuvenation treatments and the price is hiked up another one of two thousand dollars per month.

The rest of her regimen is not disclosed, with just a “source” adding mysteriously that “Jen is doing some crazy things,” but that crazy could very well be rubbing peanut butter on her face before going to bed, for all we know.

This could very well be a made up story, but it plays on the fact that Jennifer is known to be enthusiastic about beauty treatments, and especially about those that keep her looking young. It might also be related to the fact that just this week, the actress blasted journalists for telling her “she looks good for her age,” a phrase that she's since began to loathe.

She's also revealed that Justin Theroux is the type of man that will steal her beauty products and use them on himself when Jennifer is not looking. Aniston praised him on his good looks and good skin and jokingly disclosed how he helps himself from time to time to her skin-care products.

Although, that story might have been a way to plug her products though, since she's a spokesperson for the beauty line Aveeno.