Star sits down with good friend Chelsea Handler for interview to promote new film

Aug 2, 2013 13:09 GMT  ·  By

Jennifer Aniston stopped by Chelsea Handler’s talk show Chelsea Lately the other night to promote her new film, “We’re the Millers” and, it would seem, managed to rip into Katie Couric for asking Chelsea about her wedding to Justin Theroux.

The questioning took place on the Katie show and the segment in question is embedded above.

Us Weekly reports that yesterday, Chelsea, who is good friends with Aniston, tried to explain to her how hard it was to be this close to someone so famous.

“Katie Couric was asking me on her show about your wedding and I had to act like I didn't even know you were engaged because I didn't know that was out. Then she was like, ‘Well, everyone knows about it!’ So, I felt really stupid,” Chelsea said.

Aniston appeared “really annoyed,” the glossy notes.

“What's Katie Couric? Is she a legitimate journalist? Is she getting tabloidy? Wasn't she on the Today show?” she asked.

We don’t have video of the exchange right now but we’ll post it as soon as it’s available.