Aug 16, 2010 09:51 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has revealed the specializations for the Jedi Knight class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. One is a tank entitled Jedi Guardian, while the other one is the damage dealing Jedi Sentinel.

Jedi Knight players will have the chance to choose whether they want to take damage for their team or whether want to defeat the enemies of the republic with strong dual-Lightsaber attacks.

The Jedi Guardian is going to play the role of the tank, as the knight is an able Force user that uses his power to move smoothly in heavy armor, making him hard to hit.

The class will also have some support capabilities, temporarily increasing the various attributes or skills of the fellow party members.

The Jedi Sentinel is the damage dealing version of the Jedi Knight class. According the description on the official site of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Sentinel will have the ability to use two Lightsabers at once.

They will be able to take down multiple enemies down fast, as they “can see holes in the enemy defense, potential flaws in their own technique and how best to plan for both.”

The Jedi Knight specializations mirror the ones that will be available for the Sith Warrior class, the Sith Juggernaut and the Sith Marauder.

They were the first Advanced Classes that were revealed by BioWare, with more to come as the release of the game nears. There will be two for each class, meaning that players will ultimately get to choose form 16 career options during their travels in the galaxy.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is BioWare's first attempt at a massively multiplayer online role playing game. The company wants to bring a new standard of story-telling to the genre, while keeping on with the mechanics that millions of people love. The title is set to be released in the spring of 2011 only for the PC.