Developers explain that the game is more than just about basketball

Aug 9, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

After publisher Take Two has confirmed that Jay-Z would serve as an executive producer on NBA 2K13, one leading executive at the company has offered more details on how the choice was made and the actual duties of the hip-hop star.

Jason Argent, the vice president of 2K Games, has stated, “If you look at the NBA, the product as a whole, basketball is obviously at the core, but it’s a lot more than that. It’s music, culture and entertainment.”

“We wanted to have that feel injected into our game. When we launched 2K12 last year, we sat down and talked about how we could make the next one better. We wanted to take some of that music, culture and entertainment and put it into the game,” he added.

Apparently, the entire team could only think of one name that could help them try and reach that goal: Jay-Z.

He then detailed the role the hip-hop producer and performer, adding, “He’s going to be involved in a very streamlined capacity. This isn’t about Jay-Z promoting himself or us promoting him. It’s about his involvement from a creative standpoint. You won’t be seeing him in the center of any of our ad campaigns or anything like that.”

Jay-Z has already delivered the official soundtrack for NBA 2K13, which includes some of his own tracks.

It’s also likely that once the basketball simulation is launched, he will be involved in the promotional effort.

This year the NBA 2K series will face competition from NBA Live 13, the EA Sports made titles which might be alive via digital distribution before the end of the year.

NBA 2K13 will be launched on the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, the Vita and the PC on October 2 and a Wii U version will also be available when the new Nintendo console is out.