This tablet game is designed to teach pressure points and correct massage movements

Oct 9, 2012 12:02 GMT  ·  By

The Kaikan Ashitsubo Massage application for tablets allows users to virtually massage a woman's tired legs, even making a game out of it.

NewLaunches talks about the project developed by Mobile_One for Tokyo users. Players have to perform circular movements in specific pressure points on the woman's legs, and they have to reach a minimum score in the allotted time frame, in order to go on to the next level.

The game is won if you create a certain amount of satisfaction after massaging a virtual woman whose upper body you will never get to see. You are rewarded by appropriate noises the woman makes. We can only assume the tablet game is designed to teach pressure points and correct massage movements.

The Kaikan Ashitsubo Massage app is currently available for devices using the Android operating system.