Star gets carried away, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights responds

Nov 27, 2012 11:42 GMT  ·  By

To many, Barack Obama is “just” the President of the United States but, where Jamie Foxx is concerned, Obama is more than that – way more than that, as the video above will confirm.

Taking to the stage at the pre-recorded Soul Train Awards 2012, Foxx allowed himself one moment of uncensored glee, proclaiming Obama “Our Lord and Savior.”

“It's like church over here. It's like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama,” Foxx enthused.

While the audience was in agreement with him (judging by their reaction), the Church isn’t quite so happy with him proclaiming a man, be it Obama himself, God.

“Foxx's epiphany is startling. It just goes to show that even though Obama did not succeed in stopping the oceans from rising (as he promised to do in 2008), he did succeed in convincing Jamie Foxx, and no doubt legions of others, that God exists,” the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in the US says in a statement.

“Whether God can survive an ACLU lawsuit accusing him of violating church and state grounds remains to be seen,” it further says.