“Avatar” director asks fans to get out of his “personal space”

Dec 28, 2009 15:19 GMT  ·  By

Director James Cameron is not exactly popular for his gentle manners or for putting on a nice attitude for the media. Still, TMZ says, he recently promised that he would sign as many autographs as he could while promoting “Avatar,” a promise he obviously broke a few days ago when he lashed out at a fan at LAX.

The entire incident was caught on camera, and, of course, TMZ has it. The video shows Cameron arriving at LAX surrounded by security, when a man separates himself from the crowd of fans to ask for an autograph. Not only does Cameron deny him this pleasure, but he also starts cursing him, telling him that he owes him nothing, not even a meager signature on a piece of paper. Of course, this also gets the fan upset, who doesn’t fail to respond.

“James Cameron – the guy who directed ‘Avatar’ – directed a few choice words at an autograph seeking fan last night – calling the guy a ‘[expletive]-king [expletive]hole’ during an argument over a signature. It all went down at LAX – when James walked past a man holding an ‘Avatar’ poster, and refused to sign. The man went back to Cameron and asked again to which James replied, ‘I don’t owe you a [expletive]-king signature... just get out of my [expletive]-king personal space’,” TMZ writes of the incident.

“That’s when the fan lost it and replied, ‘I’m an [expletive]hole because I ask someone I admire for their autograph that makes me an [expletive]hole? I make $15-an-hour at work to go see your film and I’m an [expletive]hole?’ Ultimately, James calmly walked away from the situation while the fan continued to yell at him,” the same media outlet further informs.

As expected, the incident caused some furors on the Internet, with many a moviegoer saying that a director who treats his fans like that is not worthy of their attention and, what’s more important, their money. Singer John Mayer, though, is convinced the entire thing was presented out of context by the media and that what really happened was that Cameron simply refused to become the next victim of an autograph seeker who planned on making money off it on eBay.