The Onda VX838 is to be marketed soon

Oct 9, 2007 07:41 GMT  ·  By

If the name Onda doesn't ring you any bell, I don't blame you. These fellows should be rewarded for executing such masterpiece copycats of what's hot on the market. They started with a cute clone of the mighty iPod touch and then they did this.

By this, I mean their latest portable media player, dubbed VX838. Some critics on the Internet claim it resembles with the 2GB version of the nano player. Well, there is nothing new about picking on the giant Apple. But come on, they even took something from Cowon. Take a look at the iAudio 7 player. It has the same design patters, with minor changes. Onda might have taken its design features, but they also took some of the specs, or that's simply coincidence.

Regarding the Onda VX838 PMP, it can play a lot of file formats on the market, such as MP3, WMA, for the audio media content, as well as others like APE, FLAC, MPEG-4(AVI), JPG, BMP for the rest of the stuff you might want to load the player with.

I have to admit it reveals a bigger screen display of 1.8 inches, compared to iAudio 7 one, measuring 1.3 inches. The screen pixel resolution is the same of 160 x 128. There are also various sound effects and equalizer modes to boost up the player's audio performances.

It can also double as a real e-book reader, if the user needs that and comes with an integrated FM tuner to switch on for the latest news.

Apparently, it can only work on Windows operating system, so no compatibility with Mac mentioned. There is no info on the additional features or the language support.

Still, as most of the clones on the market, the only great advantage you get is the price of the player, therefore a 50 euro price tag for the 2GB version seems rather expensive. After all, Onda has some more work to do before swimming its vibes in deeper waters.

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Onda VX838 PMP
Cowon iAudio7 PMP
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