They can rub their hands for now, but the console war isn't even close to being over

Mar 26, 2007 15:16 GMT  ·  By

Well it's official boys and girls, the PlayStation3 console from Sony has sold 20.000 units in Australia up until this point, as Sony has recently announced. This doesn't say it's extraordinary, but it certainly doesn't say it's bad. 20.000 exceeds even the most optimistic of expectations concerning sales of Sony's next gen machine in Australia. Plus they have it going pretty well for them with the format war as well. However, Microsoft's Xbox 360 sold 30.000 in its first weekend and the Wii did even better at its time of launch, selling an amazing 32.000 units in the first three days since it was launched.

What does this say? It says a lot of things but most of all, that the PS3 is getting back on its feet. Let's keep in mind that Sony didn't exactly plan to make record sales in Australia with their PS3 console, so 20.000 pieces isn't bad at all. Furthermore, there's another aspect to consider and that is the console's price. It still retails for about US $600 so it's not even close to an affordable piece of gaming system.

But knowing what Sony had to go through to get the PS3 up and going, these numbers show a positive impact on the public. The company even had to struggle with some technical issues regarding their PS3 and still does, as they shook hands with Immersion Corporation on the rumble business. Plus, the PS3 has some serious competition to deal with, both its rivals systems live up to the times and each of them brings something unique to the market. With Microsoft's black Xbox 360 Elite on the way, Sony should really consider announcing some good titles for the PS3 before gamers run off and get the same processing power and a bigger hard drive at a lower price.

According to Sony Computer Entertainment Australia "the combined sales of hardware, peripherals and software generated in excess of $25 million of retail spending." Well, they can rub their hands for now, but they'll have to keep up the good work, 'cause it's not over until the fat lady sings. Official sales figures will soon be published by Screen Play.