Large scale battleground

Jun 16, 2009 09:13 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard has offered the first details related to the new battleground coming as part of the next update to World of Warcraft, the MMO that holds the record for the biggest number of active subscribers. It will be called the Isle of Conquest and will accommodate up to 40 players fighting on either side of the conflict. It's one of the biggest battlegrounds introduced in the MMO, with only Alterac Valley matching it for sheer size.

The Isle of Conquest, as the name implies, is set somewhere off the coast of Northrend and is the site of a continual battle between the Horde and the Alliance. Blizzard is saying that it plans to introduce a reinforcement system in an effort to limit the spawn numbers for each side. The ultimate goal is to get a hold of what the enemy has and take out its general.

The Isle of Conquest also sports five other key locations, with an Oil Derrick and Cobalt Mine to grant more reinforcements, a Siege Workshop set to offer siege vehicles, Docks, which offer just one vehicle, the new Glaive Tower, and an Airship Hanger that it set to offer both parachute and bombardment capabilities to the side that holds it. These capture points will likely be needed by any side aiming to take down the opposing keep and to kill the general.

Blizzard is also saying that it will introduce a Crusader's Coliseum in patch 3.2, delivering challenges for groups of 5, 10 and 25 players. It is described as being a training area for troops of the Argent Crusade that will take over Icecrown Citadel. It also seems that the Argent Tournament itself will be getting more duels and challenges with the upcoming update.

As always, the developer is not revealing when patch 3.2 for World of Warcraft is set to arrive but the unveiling of content suggests that players might see it before the end of June.