Good guys helping each other

Oct 2, 2007 15:04 GMT  ·  By

Who protects us, people, from fraudulent online activity? Well, generally it's financial services organizations. But who helps them? That's easy - people that make a business out of online threat protection. So, to get to the facts, BD-BrandProtect today announced the availability of its Internet Presence Threat Analysis service. This new service delivers ongoing Internet presence risk assessment, now required by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC).

"Engaging in proactive threat analysis is not only an effective means of mitigating risk of victimization, it represents an investment in business continuity, and can bolster the organization's other compliance-related efforts," said Michael Kiefer, SVP of BD-BrandProtect. "Organizations that leverage this new service as part of ongoing systems and business planning will maximize their ability to meet customer needs in an efficient, effective manner -- and do so in a manner that protects organizational and client interests against continually evolving external threats."

"Threats will continue to escalate, and targeted companies need to become more proactive in deflecting them," said Avivah Litan, vice president and distinguished analyst, Gartner. "Gaining an understanding for these threats and how they intersect with measures taken to address related marketplace issues such as anti-counterfeiting and email security, is an important first step in this process."

Their service is based on their own approach to online threat protection by combining advanced technology, round the clock Internet monitoring and exhaustive human analysis. They've even got people working to provide a deep level of filtering in annotating, commenting on and prioritizing information.

And as a conclusion, I'm not telling you to hire these guys, or that they have the best services out there - each company picks who ever it deems to be the best. But what I am saying is that the web is a dangerous place and that experts should be hired for web-related aspects, that is if you want to avoid eventual issues.