A patent is naturally already pending on the new technology

Jul 4, 2012 15:54 GMT  ·  By

A group of German researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC, in Würzburg, announce the development of a type of glass that only lets through those wavelengths of light that benefit the human body.

More precisely, their special type of glass only permits those components of light that play a role in controlling our body's natural clocks and our hormonal balance to pass through, helping regulate both these aspects, Science Blog reports.

The glass is particularly transmissive to light in the blue part of the optical spectrum, since human “biorhythms are not affected by the wavelengths that brighten a room the most, but rather by blue light,” according to ISC graduate engineer, Walther Glaubitt.

The active “ingredient” in the new material is an inorganic coating that is only 0.1 micrometers thick. This is what separates light, and allows only the desired wavelengths through.