The pavement was developed by Dutch researchers, can reduce smog by 45%

Jul 11, 2013 18:31 GMT  ·  By

Dutch scientists at the Eindhoven University of Technology have developed a new type of pavement which they say can help clean the air by absorbing smog.

The researchers got the idea to create this innovative pavement after realizing that, regardless of how many patches of greenery architects integrate in urban landscapes, air quality is still rather poor.

Inhabitat reports that, in order to roll out this eco-friendly pavement, the scientists took run-off-the-mill paving blocks and treated them with titanium oxide.

The resulting pavement absorbs noteworthy amounts of harmful nitrogen oxides, and turns them into chemical compounds that do not constitute a threat to public health and the environment.

In ideal conditions, the pavement can reduce smog by as much as 45%, the same source informs us.

The Dutch researchers believe that their invention can help improve air quality in urban areas badly affected by car and industrial emissions.