Oddly enough, his teeth and his guts appear to be perfectly fine

Apr 3, 2014 11:42 GMT  ·  By

A 30-year-old man by the name Pakkirappa Hunagundi, who now lives in a village in the state of Karnataka, in India, claims to be addicted to eating bricks, rocks, and mud. What's more, the man says that he has been suffering from this condition for about two decades now.

Pakkirappa Hunagundi maintains that he first developed a sweet tooth for objects and materials that ordinary folks would only imagine being used in constructions when he was about 10 years old, Daily Mail tells us.

The folks who know him back up this story and say that the man has been feasting on bricks, rocks, and dirt ever since he was a young boy. “I have known him since childhood. He has always eaten mud and stones since then,” a villager told the press in a recent interview.

The 30-year-old man explains that, although he is no stranger to real food, inedible objects are still his favorite. Thus, he claims that he would have no trouble skipping breakfast, lunch, or dinner, but that not being able to gulp down bricks or mud would drive him up the walls.

While too many people would jump at the chance to label bricks, mud, and rocks as equally disgusting, Pakkirappa Hunagundi argues that they are all very enjoyable to chew on and swallow. In fact, this man claims that these building materials are way better than real food.

“Other than bricks, mud and stones, I don't like anything else. Even if you offer me divine nectar, I won't take it. My mother says don't eat all this. She keeps insisting, but even if she gives me chicken fry, I don't eat it. I don't like that at all,” the 30-year-old man told the press.

Despite the fact that he has been eating building materials for two decades now, Pakkirappa Hunagundi claims that he is perfectly healthy. Thus, he says that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his teeth, and that his guts appear to be coping with his peculiar diet just fine.

Specialists say that, all things considered, this man is probably suffering from a rare medical condition known as Pica disorder. They explain that, as is the case with Pakkirappa Hunagundi, people affected by this illness crave substances that have little or virtually no nutritional value.

The 30-year-old man and his mother are currently struggling with some financial difficulties, and Pakkirappa Hunagundi says that he is thinking about traveling the world and letting others watch him eat bricks, mud and the like in exchange for money. “We don't have any income. So I want to make use of my talent,” he stated.