The Pakistani hackers defaced over 2,000 Indian websites

Jan 29, 2014 11:59 GMT  ·  By

On January 26, the day on which India celebrates Republic Day, Pakistani hacktivists breached and defaced a large number of Indian websites – over 2,000, according to reports. In response, Indian hackers have started defacing Pakistani websites.

According to The Hindu, close to 100 Pakistani websites have been defaced, but experts believe the attacks could continue. The Indian offensive is led by a group of hackers called Indian Cyber Rakshak (1nd14n C¥B3R R4k$h4k).

Some of the sites they’ve targeted are still defaced.

The operation launched by Indian hacktivists comes after Pakistani groups such as Team Madleets, Maximizers, and the KashmirCyberArmy defaced the websites of the Central Bank of India, Indian Railways, actress Poonam Pandey and many others.

India’s Global Cyber Security Response Team (GCSRT) says that many of the impacted websites are still being restored.