"You are punished for breaking ceasefire," the hacker said

Aug 9, 2013 08:13 GMT  ·  By

Indian hacker Godzilla has breached and defaced the official website of the Pakistan Army (pakistanarmy.gov.pk). In addition to the website, he has also gained unauthorized access to three Pakistan Army Facebook pages.

The hacker has told E Hacking News that he planted a PDF exploit on the website which allowed him to install a piece of malware on the administrator’s computer.

He allegedly used the malware to steal the credentials for the official Facebook page of the Pakistan Army, the Facebook page of the Army’s Officers Club, and an Army fan page.

All three pages were reportedly removed.

“Now no more deals, if you can fire then we can bombard You are punished for breaking ceasefire we are coming for you,” the hacker said.

Currently, the Pakistan Army’s website and the Facebook pages are restored and working properly.

Update. The hacker has published this document to back up his claims.