The students ingested rat poison-infested food at the school cafeteria

Jul 24, 2013 13:57 GMT  ·  By

Officials in the Bihar province, in India, have arrested the principal of the school where 23 children died of poisoning.

According to ABC News, the principal knew about the food possibly being contaminated. A cook working at the school had told Meena Kumari of the possibility of the ingredients being infested with rat poison.

Kumari ignored the advice and ordered the cooks to carry on with the preparation. She has gone into hiding after the deaths prompted protests on the streets in the area.

She has been forced into coming out of hiding by police posting a notice on her door and alerting her of the fact they can confiscate her belongings if she doesn't. She has turned herself in and she is now detained without bond.

As I previously reported, the children who died were aged between 5 and 12.