Luxury drives. Again.

Oct 7, 2008 06:40 GMT  ·  By

Hyped-up gadgets are something we've almost grown to consider usual, whether we're talking about gold or platinum-plated USB sticks, gilded and diamond-studded cell phones and the likes. Yet, it seems that luxury has one more thing to it: indestructibility and a sober design. Such is the case with the Incrudo 8GB hard drive from the Russian manufacturer Euroset, a piece of mobile storage tech that will definitely turn a lot of heads without actually burning a hole in your pocket.

The Incrudo 8GB from Euroset is the kind of tech-jewel you can actually use for serious daily routines, even though in some situations it might seem a bit too eccentric.

Yet, we're dealing with a fully-functional 8GB solid state hard drive that comes in a luxury casing. In fact, it's the casing that causes all the stir: a polished Titanium enclosure, with an edgy and almost minimalist design, easy to integrate with absolutely any computer you might use.

And as titanium is renowned for its sturdiness and endurance when it comes to harsh treatment and abuse, you'll definitely be able to keep your data safe from pretty much any physical factors, including water and other more unfriendly liquids since this metallic element is also corrosion-proof.

Now, titanium alone wouldn't be too much of a spectacular sight and Euroset decided to go precious with this hard drive and has thus added a ruby stone, dramatically increasing the value of the gadget and by all means shedding an almost royal light on it. And even more, to complete the unlikely sturdiness of the Incrudo 8GB, the back and front panels have been crafted from the same ultra-hard ceramic materials used in spacecrafts and Formula 1, all to make sure nothing will happen to your digital data.

The Euroset Incrudo 8GB ships in a sober case with the same spartan design and will set you back some $831. If your future fiancée is a technology girl, you could think of replacing the diamond ring with the ruby-loaded Incrudo.

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Photo Gallery (3 Images)

The Incrudo: 8GB of titanium-cased storage and a ruby
A nifty presentation of Euroset's Incrudo 8GB hard driveSimple designs can definitely look aristiocratic
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