The game was initially thought to be a PS4 launch title

Jul 29, 2013 21:33 GMT  ·  By

InFamous: Second Son, one of the PlayStation 4 exclusive titles announced by Sony, is listed as launching on April 1 of 2014 by the team at specialist retailer Gamestop.

Many fans believed that the game would be available on launch on the next-generation console and the delay will be perceived as a disappointment.

April 1 might seem like a weird date for a launch but it is a Tuesday, which means that Sony might use it to deliver InFamous: Second Son in the United States.

Neither developer Sucker Punch nor publisher Sony has offered an official reaction to the reveal of the release date, which might mean that it is simply a placeholder.

PlayStation 4 is set to be launched in November of this year, the same month when the Xbox One is designed to appear on store shelves.