ILFORD Imaging Switzerland was recently declared insolvent

Dec 12, 2013 08:21 GMT  ·  By

Following the recent announcement of ILFORD Imaging Switzerland regarding their inability to pay their debts, HARMAN technology Limited, manufacturer and distributor of ILFORD monochrome products, issued a new press release regarding the availability of their products in Switzerland.

ILFORD Imaging was the official distributor in Switzerland for ILFORD branded black and white products, but due to their financial problems, these products will be made available to all resellers in Switzerland via HARMAN's distribution partner in Germany.

Any Switzerland-based reseller and account holder for ILFORD Imaging who wishes to order these products is asked to contact Le Bon Image GmbH, Germany to sign new distribution contracts.

Yesterday, ILFORD Photo announced that the company's products are not affected by ILFORD Imaging insolvency and will continue to be manufactured and distributed as usual.

In addition to that, the UK-based company announced a few days ago the availability of two new Multigrade Baryta Fibre Base variable contrast papers.