IBM Academic Initiative

May 25, 2005 09:37 GMT  ·  By

IBM announced a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the open-source technologies within academic institutions. Employers admit they prefer anytime to hire an open-source savvy, a trend that outlines the availability of companies to adopt open-source alternatives over proprietary ones.

IBM has announced that together with Red Hat will lay the foundation of a program whose purpose will be to inform the universities about the latest programs and training methods in the open-source segment.

The IBM Academic Initiative together with Red Hat Academy will supervise the teachers and will participate to the development of a program that will allow students to be trained in the "dark arts" of open source.

According to IDC reports, Linux is the fastest growing operating system, and at least for servers, in the next years, the number of installed Linux copies will exceed the number of Windows operating systems.

Aside from being trained in the open-source domain, students will also become experts in IBM solutions and server administration.