Aug 30, 2011 19:51 GMT  ·  By

At Sunday’s MTV Video Music Awards 2011, Demi Lovato was the picture of health and happiness. However, some of those who watched her live at the awards show believed the extra pounds she had on were too many, which is why she took to Twitter to defend her figure.

Fans must know that Lovato has been going through a rougher patch, having completed a stay in a rehabilitation facility earlier this year.

Among the problems she sought help for, she mentioned an eating disorder, cutting and very low self-esteem.

Since she came out, she’s gained some weight, though clearly she’s far from overweight. This would explain why she lashed out on Twitter when she first started getting nasty comments on the social networking website.

“I’ve gained weight. Get over it. That’s what happens when you get out of treatment for AN EATING DISORDER,” she initially wrote.

She’s always been very open about how the pressure to always look perfect ate away at her confidence until she developed anorexia and bulimia in a desperate bid to meet other people’s expectations.

Shortly after, Demi deleted the first tweet – and replaced it with a more considerate message meant to emphasize the fact that her weight gain was not at all important especially if her health weighed in the balance.

“Who cares,” she wrote to a user who noted that her “arms were looking a tad bit chunky” in her dress at the MTV awards show.

“Guess what, I’m healthy and happy, and if you’re hating on my weight you obviously aren’t. :) #UNBROKEN,” she added shortly afterwards.

Fans immediately reacted to Demi’s tweets and, most importantly, to how she defended her weight gain saying health is what matters and not image.

Even Demi was surprised at how supportive they were of her.

“God I love you guys.. Thank you. Don’t know what I did to deserve you all... But wow.. I love you all..” she wrote when she learned that her name (slightly misspelled) was trending topic worldwide.