The game is based on the popular TV series, 24

Dec 11, 2006 11:38 GMT  ·  By

I-play announced the release of 24: Agent Down on mobile handsets, the sequel to the BAFTA award winning mobile game 24. Gamers must once again save the world with Jack Bauer and his elite team of CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) operatives using high-tech gadgets and brain power. 24: Agent Down proceeds the DVD launch of the 5th season of the FOX TV series, 24, upon which I-play's mobile games are based.

The story of the game revolves around a confidential file, containing the personal information of all CTU operatives around the world that falls into the hands of an unknown terrorist organization. Jack and his team must track down the missing file and neutralize the terrorists. Through 24 different missions, players must help Jack and his team combat the terrorist threat by utilizing stealth, state-of-the-art weaponry that includes sniper rifles, tranquilizer darts, and enemy-distracting decoys.

While Jack has technology on his side, he must also engage and disable a number of cunning traps in order to complete his mission. Picking locks, bypassing electrical grids, disabling bombs, and hacking computer systems are just a few of the challenges that stand in between Jack and saving the world. Fans of the TV series and both hardcore and casual gamers will enjoy taking part in the innovative and interactive puzzles that will test not only their trigger fingers, but their brains as well.

"24: Agent Down is the ultimate in one thumb gaming 'on the go'. As agent Jack Bauer, gamers will race against the clock to complete time sensitive challenges and missions. We think this next installment in our award-winning 24 mobile game series will excite both loyal fans of the TV hit series and new recruits," said David Gosen, CEO of I-play.

"24 is one of FOX's most successful shows and we were pleased to see I-play successfully bring out the spirit of the show through its mobile game series," said Mitch Feinman, SVP of Fox Mobile Entertainment. "With I-play's proven record in creating entertaining and engaging mobile games, we're looking forward to seeing 24: Agent Down take mobile game play up a notch."