“Transformers” star says celebrity status took her completely by surprise

Jun 11, 2009 14:05 GMT  ·  By

She has already been named the hottest female presence in showbiz right now and she’s the one actress on whom the general consensus is that she has nothing but a bright future ahead. With all this, Megan Fox tells E! Online she doesn’t understand what she’s done to be so famous, while also somehow lamenting the overwhelming media attention she’s been showered with recently.

Before Fox became a household star with the first “Transformers” film, she was a relatively unknown name in the industry. Once the Michael Bay-directed blockbuster hit movie screens all around the world, Megan became the hottest commodity around and things haven’t really changed ever since, except to gain even more momentum. While she’s flattered by the attention she’s getting, there’s only so much she can take before losing her mind, the actress says for the aforementioned celebrity publication.

“I definitely feel ill-prepared; I mean, I don’t know if anyone ever sits back and goes, ‘Now is the moment that I think I should be a famous celebrity.’ I know I’m struggling with trying to figure out how to live in it – but I definitely feel it’s premature. I mean, I was in one movie that people have seen.” Megan says of how fame took her completely by surprise. “I haven’t gone completely insane – but it might happen soon.” the actress adds as to what the constant pressure might do to her in the long run.

Megan Fox usually comes across as one of the most confident women in the industry at the moment, it has been pointed out, and that happens mainly because of the kind of interviews she gives. The latest revelation, though, comes more as a shock, as the actress hints that she too, just like other young stars currently in the spotlight, feels sorry for the things she lost once she was catapulted to international fame, while also lost as regards the next move.

“I see some people who have to deal with in on an everyday basis – I am not a Jennifer Aniston or a Britney Spears or even a Lindsay Lohan, you know? My pictures don’t sell for that kind of money. But [of] the small level that I do deal with it, it is hard and there have been times [when] people don’t want to hang out with me because they don’t want to end up on the Internet. I sometimes just turn around and go back home and don’t do anything and have to have someone go do my grocery shopping.” the gorgeous actress says in the same interview.

Megan Fox is currently promoting “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.”