Now, cushions have been i-ed

Jan 26, 2007 09:10 GMT  ·  By

I must say I'm beginning to hate the ?i". They ?i" everything, from phones to pods, from books to whatever you might think of. I guess that the "i" prefix will simply be the guideline of this century's first decade, if not spread even further in time, God forbid! First it was the "e", now it's the "i"; I wonder what's next, as we still have some unused vowels left; how do you think the "o-phone" sounds? Or the "a-phone"? Even a simple couch cushion can be ?i": of course, I am going to speak about the i-cushion!

The i-cushion is definitely part of that category of objects you won't ever need. Some said exactly the same thing about powerballs, but at least using a powerball means exercising you hand muscles and lots of quality fun.

The i-cushion resembles the chindogu-like objects rather than the things one would use (for those who don't know, chindogu is more or less the Japanese word for useless inventions). Yes, the i-cushion can provide some seconds of fun but that's all. I may be a bit exaggerated but what's the use or fun in having a small black cushion on your couch or a bed or armchair that lights up old-style EQ lines when it hears music?

Ha-ha, if your eyes have suddenly doubled their size, that's what the i-cushion is all about! It sports a luminescent flexible screen which will turn on the moment you turn on the music in the room; not only will it turn on, but also wave up and down those lights and will even bump to the beat. Now, I haven't tested this i-cushion yet, but I am more than curious to see how well it responds to the proper beat... Nevertheless, one could be really fond of the i-cushion if he/she is the kind of person who keeps on staring for hours in a row at the boombox' multicolor EQ and also swings his/her tushy to the rhythm. One could also use such an i-cushion at parties, provided the rest of the attendants wouldn't laugh their asses off seeing a guy hugging the "i" small, flashing and bumping pillow, maybe together with a large beer at the same time.

Anyway, for the $35 I guess it can make a nice present so there you go, actually using the i-cushion!