Mother of eight says Jon emptied bank account of $230,000, left her stranded

Oct 6, 2009 09:17 GMT  ·  By
Kate Gosselin says Jon is single-handedly destroying the family and their kids’ future
   Kate Gosselin says Jon is single-handedly destroying the family and their kids’ future

Jon Gosselin secretly raided the joint bank account set up for the family, taking out an estimated $230,000 and leaving soon to be former wife Kate with a little over $1,000, despite the terms set by a judge that neither was to make withdrawals without the other’s consent. Speaking on the Today Show, a teary Kate Gosselin says that the money Jon took so carelessly, regardless of everything, was the only liquid money the family had, which has left her unable to pay the bills that are already beginning to stack up.

Kate begins her interview by saying that explaining herself like this on television would have been the last thing she would have wanted. She never even dreamed of living to see the day when she and Jon would air all the dirty laundry in the media, let alone have Jon so cut off from her that she has to learn from the media what he’s done the latest. This is also how she found out that Jon took the money from the joint bank account, Kate explains, but, no matter how much this hurts, it doesn’t top the fact that she’s in the most difficult position she’s ever been in her life.

She doesn’t have money to pay the bills for the house and to put food on the table for her and Jon’s eight children, Kate says on Today, barely able to fight back the tears that are choking her. “I’m hanging in there. It’s hard. Every morning I don’t know what I’m going to wake up to. When we started this out, I was determined, I didn’t want to discuss this stuff, I didn’t want this out there, I didn’t want to talk about it. The arbitrator said that neither of us could take money out without the other’s consent. However I was given, historically, I am the bill payer, I am the money manager, so obviously I was allowed to show proof of every bill I paid and use that money that way.” Kate begins by saying.

She then goes on to remember the family’s financial situation after the sextuplets were born, when they didn’t have the money to pay the bills. The same is happening now, and Kate holds Jon responsible for literally taking food from his children’s mouth. Not only that, but he also single-handedly cut off the only source of income for the family by going to the media and complaining of child exploitation, which, in turn, forced TLC to cancel the reality show, the recently named “Kate Plus 8.” What’s even worse, Kate explains, is that the kids actually enjoy being on the show, aside from the fact that it also helps provide a roof over their head and food on their table.

“I have a stack of bills in my purse I can’t put in the mail. When you’ve left your children and their mother without the funds to lay for the roof over their head, it’s not acceptable. I need that money to provide for them. We were in the position after our sextuplets were born that we could not pay our bills. We did the show to provide a better life for them. Never did I think I’d be back in the same position. I can’t sleep at night. I can’t pay my bills. I think he’s receiving bad counsel. He’s always been one to listen to the one next to him.” Kate says.

Below is the entire Today interview with Kate Gosselin. Kate comes in at about the two-minute mark.

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