Update allows interactive internet activation of trial and permanent license

Jul 3, 2008 09:27 GMT  ·  By

Bunkspeed's HyperShot 3D rendering application for Mac delivers revolutionary, interactive rendering in real time, even on laptop, the company claims. Currently at version 1.5 the software performs faster, sports improved rendering and translator and more. The company has also changed the product licensing process, allowing interactive internet activation of all versions of the software, including the trial version.

HyperShot allows users to see instant global illumination and physics-based materials on models as they simply "come alive, right before their eyes with stunning photographic results," the company claims. HyperShot comes in extremely handy when you simply need to load your models and environments and achieve instant results, as designs are rendered on the fly. You can see high-tech automation in action, or scale up and customize completely. The software is aimed at industrial design, but also marketing photography.

HyperShot comes in three editions, each targeting a particular type of design. Those are HyperShot Web, HyperShot HD, and HyperShot Pro. All versions come with the exact same features and functions. The difference between the products is, of course, resolution. This is equivalent to digital cameras, digital displays or TVs, the company explains:

HyperShot Web - 800 by 450 pixels, totaling 360,000 pixels HyperShot HD - 1,920 by 1,080 pixels, totaling 2 megapixels, up to 4.1 megapixels rendering resolution HyperShot Pro - unlimited resolution (this version also has some additional features such as turntable animation, network rendering readiness, and an additional render mode).

Some HyperShot 1.5 highlights include:


Realtime raytraycing: - Faster realtime calculation of self shadows. - Improved performance when applying textured materials to objects without texture coordinates.


SolidWorks (for Windows users). Click here to find out more about this particular update.


Simplified licensing process: - Interactive internet activation of trial and permanent licenses. - Simplified transfer of licenses when replacing computers.

Limited number of trials: - Trials limited to one time, 15 days. - New releases will allow new trial.

As an existing HyperShot user, you may download the new version and upgrade for free. A trial version of the 3D rendering software is available at the same address.

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