Replace liquids you lose by sweating

Aug 13, 2009 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Drink water when you work out – this must be the one line that trainers say more times perhaps than any other. There is very sane reasoning behind it too, because we lose a lot of water and essential minerals by sweating, and we have to replace them somehow for the optimal performance. Men, in particular, training harder than women, should pay attention to keeping hydrated at all times, Men’s Health magazine says.

In order for them to do so, the magazine offers a few essential – yet very simple – tips. For starters, gents should always bear in mind that they’re to keep hydrated during a workout either with plain water or a sports drink, and never with soda or any other beverages of this type. Also, don’t rush to get a sports drink just yet and stick with plain water for starters, especially if your workout doesn’t last more than 30 minutes so there isn’t a lot of sweating, because this type of beverage can also be high on calories.

“Humans sweat more than any other mammal, causing us to lose the water and electrolytes crucial for optimal performance. Why are electrolytes so important? These minerals, found in your blood and other body fluids, regulate your hydration, blood PH, and critical muscle and nerve functions. You can stay on top of your game by drinking the right liquids at the right time.” the magazine points out.

The right time means, of course, before, during and after a workout. Experts recommend men start drinking water at least a quarter of an hour before starting the actual workout, and then taking in about 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes during it. “Weigh yourself before and after a workout, and subtract the weight of any water you drank while exercising. For every pound you’ve lost during a workout, drink 16 ounces of water. Then remember that guideline for your next workout. So if you’re 2 pounds lighter after an hour-long run, drink 32 ounces more before or during your next run.” Men’s Health further explains.

In order to keep hydrated, the mag also recommends drinking the liquid of your choice (water or sports drink) in frequent and small gulps, as this will ensure it is absorbed in less time, preserving your energy and keeping you at your best for the entire workout.