The woman called the police for getting tasered once more than they agreed upon

Nov 7, 2013 15:34 GMT  ·  By

Bears – Packers rivalry has made a lot of victims, and most recently it has led to a domestic quarrel and an arrest.

A couple bet on who would win Monday's game and the wife lost. ESPN described that they agreed on getting tasered twice if they were to lose the bet.

They watched the game in a bar in Mayville, Wisconsin. Afterwards, they stepped out of the bar and the Packers fan was tasered twice in the behind and once more on her thigh.

She told police that she never thought that he would go through with the penalty. She got angry after the third time, as they only agreed on two electrical shocks.

Mayville police chief Christopher MacNeill reports that they have arrested her husband, 42-year-old John Grant of Tinley Park, for possessing the electronic weapon. The skin contact taser can leave burn marks and tissue damage.

Bar owner Chris Neu is interviewed in the video above, and describes how he is shocked that this wager has gotten so out of hand.