Scientist predicts the human race will completely transform in the years to come

Jul 11, 2013 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Some weeks ago, we were told that future humans would grow abnormally large eyes. Later on, another researcher said that we'd evolve to have pufferfish-like beaks.

Now, Dr. Dean Burnett argues that future humans will probably sport tentacles, flexible skeletons and color-changing skin.

As the scientist explains, the tentacles would be an “upgraded” version of our hands and would make it easier for future generations to work on a computer.

The flexible skeletons would make our bodies less rigid and thus allow us to move with more ease. Daily Mail reports that having a flexible skeleton would particularly come in handy during childbirth.

The chameleon-like color-changing skin would make it easier for humans to stand out or blend in with their surroundings, depending on the circumstances they find themselves in.

Dr. Dean Burnett also believes that, as social media continues to develop, humans will come to have a selective hearing.

“Rather than diverting attention to more relevant inputs, humans could develop the ability to actively 'tune out' things they don't want to hear, like closing your eyes to block an unpleasant sight,” the researcher argues.