Before and after

Jul 10, 2007 19:06 GMT  ·  By

Tonight you are going to make history. You'll drink more than everybody else, have a good time and escape inhibitions, but the price you'll pay tomorrow will make you say "It's the last time I do that!"?of course, until the next party comes.

But when binging, the consequences will be eased if you eat a medium packet of potato chips or a sandwich with salami and butter about an hour before the bout. The bread and potato chips will absorb some of the ingested alcohol so that it will not enter the blood immediately.

Try not to mix beverages; keep consuming the same type of drink all night long. In case you drink cocktails, be sure that you drink the same kind. When mixing alcoholic beverages, the alcohol passes more quickly from the stomach into the blood, getting you drunk sooner, and leaving splitting headaches and major hangovers.

In case of vomiting due to excessive drinking, let it all out and then drink a sports beverage to reintroduce in the body some of the lost minerals. The sports drinks will also replenish the salts lost through the kidneys while drinking.

Oral contraceptives will no longer work if women take them 4 hours before vomiting because of heavy drinking. After a drinking bout, on average 3 glasses of water are required to rehydrate your body. Because during drinking you lose many fluids, going to bed dehydrated will leave the body unable to eliminate the alcohol out of your body and in concentrated levels, the alcohol will induce nasty effects later. Painkillers like aspirin or ibuprorofen will just worsen the situation as if taken in high amounts or for a longer period of time, they'll cause kidney problems (like kidney failure).

After the hangover has installed, there are some home remedies, with no side effects, that will make you get rid of it: squeeze 1 lemon into a cup of black coffee and drink it, no sugar, no milk. Chicken or tripe soup (or any kind of meat) works perfectly. Take 2 tablespoons of honey each 30 minutes since you wake up till you start feeling better. Apples or peanut butter may also work. Many people use pickles, which also restore a lot of the lost salt.

But probably the most effective remedy is a banana and honey milkshake (3 bananas blended with some milk and honey). This will settle your stomach, calming your nerves and relieve the killing headache. And remember: the best remedy against hangover is drinking moderately...