You can change your name, protect your tweets, even ask to remove them from Google

May 17, 2012 21:31 GMT  ·  By

Twitter, by and large, is a public place. People tweet things they want many others to see. Twitter doesn't require people to use their real name, yet a lot of people do. But Twitter's fast paced nature has people churning out tweets that may not seem such a good idea a second later.

They can delete them of course, but the ephemeral nature of tweets and Twitter means that most people just move on oblivious to whatever they tweeted previously.

Twitter moves on as well, tweets are covered by a flood of others and even the search engine doesn't go further than a few days.

But not everyone forgets, search engines remember it all, public tweets are indexed and archived ready to sprung up unexpectedly in search results.

What's more, since Twitter has such high ranking, your Twitter profile will show up high among the results for any search for your name.

There are steps to minimize exposure though and Twitter is listing some of the things you can do, depending on how hidden you want to be.

On the one hand, if all you want to do is hide in plain sight, you may simply want to change the name that's displayed on your profile. As long as your username is not too obvious, you'll no longer attract the attention of search engines and you'll be able to say whatever you want without doing much to cover your tracks.

That said, you can change your username as well, if you want something a bit more inconspicuous. Finally, if you're that concerned about your privacy, you can set your tweets to private so only your followers will be able to see them.

This does not affect previous tweets so those will remain public, unless you decide to delete them. But even if you do delete them, they may still be available in searches until the search engine updates its index. In that case, you can request for that information to be removed from searches.