By using USB Touchscreen

May 25, 2006 06:22 GMT  ·  By

Have you been dreaming for quite a long time to get one of those touchscreen displays, which will considerably ease your work, but in the same time you don't want to give up on your LCD display? Well, now there's a very simple solution to this problem, which allows you to control your computer directly via your own display, called USB Touchscreen.

As the name tells us, the device consists of a sensitive surface, whose functionality resembles that of a touchscreen, which attaches to the existing screen by means of Velcro tapes and is then connected to the computer's USB port. In order to control the system, the one can use either his/her own finger, or the included stylus.

USB Touchscreen is compatible with existing 15 or 17" LCD displays and with all the Windows operating systems, from 98 SE and up to XP.

However, the device is clearly a compromise solution, and it's quite difficult to estimate just how close it will come to the functionality of a real touchscreen. In any case, it will probably be quite successful, considering the fact that, although its price is not yet known, it will surely be considerably cheaper than a brand new touchscreen display.

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