Maybe this way people understand what you want to say

Jun 1, 2015 05:46 GMT  ·  By

Times are changing quick and so do our habits and ways of interacting with each other. Communication has developed many forms since the Internet got to the majority of individuals.

Using words differently or other methods of expressing yourself doesn’t make you an uneducated person, given that you stay within some moral boundaries. The variety in speaking is best exemplified by social networks and online interactions.

One method in particular derived from programming. It takes characters of all kinds and places them in such a way to represent a picture. It’s called ASCII Art, and below are a couple of programs you can use in this regard.

Transforming pictures into ASCII Art

Using ASCII Art Studio:

Step 1: Download, install, and run ASCII Art Studio.

Step 2: Go to File menu and choose to Convert Picture to ASCII Art.

Step 3: Browse for the picture you want to turn into ASCII.

Step 4: Choose characters you want to use and write down those you don’t.

Step 5: Press OK so the new image is generated.

Step 6 (optional): Use the left Toolbox and bottom Character Map to add finishing touches.

Step 7-a: Go to the File menu and choose to Save Picture As to generate a new image.

Step 7-b: Choose Save As from the File menu. Write down a file name followed by .txt to save character layout.

Step 7-c: Copy the whole picture and insert it in a text field to share with others.

Using Images to Ascii Art:

Step 1: Download, and run Images to Ascii Art.

Step 2: Click the Folder button in the upper left corner.

Step 3: Select the image you want and press Open.

Step 4: Define the drawing method by browsing through the Palette drop-down menu.

Step 5-a: Click the Save text as text file to keep the character layout.

Step 5-b: Hit Save text as image file for a new picture.

Step 5-c: Copy everything from the canvas in a text field to share.

One type of ASCII Art
One type of ASCII Art

Convert pictures to ASCII art (4 Images)

One type of ASCII Art
ASCII cutoutUsing ASCII Art Studio