Do NOT annoy the search giant!

Jan 25, 2007 14:49 GMT  ·  By

Google is one of the largest, most popular and richest companies in the entire world that owns a huge number of solutions in both online and offline modes. As you probably know, the search giant provides multiple ways for communicating with its consumers such as e-mail addresses, feedback forms, Google Groups, blogs and some forums that are meant to help you, getting instant support from employees or from other users of the service. Even if the company is one of the most powerful companies of our times, the search giant still works with customers' help, allowing them to contribute to the developing process of new applications.

Nowadays, Google is very popular in the online world, but the company is struggling to gain a world reputation also in the offline area. That's why its employees are working hard to create powerful offline solutions and to expand their advertising platforms and the power of their search technology to offline users. AdSense, the most known ad program in the entire world, allows users to earn money by placing multiple ads on their websites. The company now aims to increase the popularity of their advertising solutions into several newspapers, shops, radio stations and even to multiple televisions from all around the world.

So, how can you be Google's best friend? Well, the most important thing is to be a devoted customer for the search giant, meaning that you should always use their service and, if something goes bad, you should help its employees to correct the issue and even improve it. Remember that Google designed several methods to contact the company, so helping them to improve their solutions is quite easy.

Then, you shouldn't infringe any of the Google Terms of Service because, once you're banned from using a service, you're not a devoted customer anymore. The company provides tons of documentation posted everywhere (in the help menu of the services, on the blogs and even on the official website of a certain solution) so you should use any product in the right way.

So, try to avoid annoying Google, because it is one of the internet giants that started to revolutionize the internet world. Oh, and don't forget: Google is you friend!